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Re: arm buildd cannot resolve 'localhost'

This is breaking the jnettop build completely on smackdown, and will
also break curl if it ever builds on smackdown.

Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hi!
> The PostgreSQL test suite currently fails for arm (specifically on
> smackdown) because the buildd cannot resolve 'localhost':
> LOG:  could not resolve "localhost": Name or service not known
> LOG:  disabling statistics collector for lack of working socket
> Full build log is on [1]. Since future PostgreSQL packages will fail
> to build on a failed test suite, this should be fixed.
> Thank you in advance and have a merry christmas!
> Martin
> [1] http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.php?&pkg=postgresql-8.0&ver=8.0.4-4&arch=arm&stamp=1134081709&file=log&as=raw

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