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Re: Single-Core Cortex A9 1ghz, ECC DDR3 RAM available soon

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl <at> lkcl.net> writes:
>  * Single-Core Cortex A9, 1ghz
>  * MALI 400MP 3D
>  * SATA-II
>  * 10/100 Ethernet
>  * 32-bit-wide access to DDR2 and DDR3 ECC RAM, up to 2gb.
>  * the usual interfaces - HDMI, SD/MMC, USB2, USB-OTG.

So like the iMX53 but with a slightly faster processor and no analogue video.

> with the exception of Our Phil (Mr Endecott)

It's Dr. Endecott to you!

> , who has confessed he is
> a bit odd and wants something with all the bells and whistles
> including PCI-e as well as Gigabit Ethernet _and_ armv7 (Cortex A9)
> _and_ a cake with sparkly candles that relight when you blow them out,

To be clear, I would like Bells OR whistles OR candles, not necessarily all on
the same board.  (But in general, a board with one more feature than required 
is a lot more useful than a board with one fewer.)

> other interfaces including some GPIO pins

That is actually something that is annoyingly missing from the iMX53 board - a
handful of signals on a sane connector that could be connected to switches and
LEDs.  In the past, I have resorted to using modem control signals for this 
sort of thing.

> demonstrable need for such

I would be interested to know where boards like the Beagle/Panda/etc. actually
end up.  I would guess that a few batches of 30 to a training provider or a
build farm or for use in a small-volume product would quickly outweigh
individual sales to people like us.  Is it those sales that determine  viability?

Cheers,  Phil.

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