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Re: is debian debootstrap arch dependent ? or broken


As the squeeze version of debootstrap is sitting in the flash and cant
be over written
I've edited the kirwood.debian-wheezy.sh


#DEBOOTSTRAP_VERSION=$(wget -q "$DEB_MIRROR/pool/main/d/debootstrap/?C=M;O=D" -O- | grep -o 'debootstrap[^"]*all.deb' | head -n1)
#DEBOOTSTRAP_VERSION=$(wget -q "$DEB_MIRROR/pool/main/d/debootstrap/?C=M;O=D" -O- | grep -v squeeze | grep -o 'debootstrap[^"]*all.deb' | head -n1 )

# Download debootstrap

#if [ ! -e /usr/sbin/debootstrap ]; then
 mkdir /tmp/debootstrap
 cd /tmp/debootstrap
 wget -O debootstrap.deb $URL_DEBOOTSTRAP
 ar xv debootstrap.deb
 tar xzvf data.tar.gz

  if [ "$RO_ROOT" = "1" ]; then
    mount -o remount,rw /
  #  mv ./usr/sbin/debootstrap /usr/sbin
  #  mv ./usr/share/debootstrap /usr/share

  if [ "$RO_ROOT" = "1" ]; then
    mount -o remount,ro /

# Run debootstrap

echo ""
echo ""
echo "# Starting debootstrap installation"

#/usr/sbin/debootstrap --verbose --no-check-gpg --arch=$ARCH --variant=$VARIANT --include=$EXTRA_PACKAGES $RELEASE $ROOT
$DEB_MIRROR /tmp/bootstrap/debootstrap --verbose --no-check-gpg --arch=$ARCH --variant=$VARIANT --include=$EXTRA_PACKAGES $RELEASE

if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
  echo "debootstrap failed."
  echo "See $ROOT/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for more information."
  exit 1

This results in 
Connecting to cdn.debian.net (
debootstrap.deb      100% |*******************************| 56394  --:--:-- ETA
rw-r--r-- 0/0      4 May  6 08:46 2014 debian-binary
rw-r--r-- 0/0   1250 May  6 08:46 2014 control.tar.gz
rw-r--r-- 0/0  54952 May  6 08:46 2014 data.tar.xz
tar: can't open 'data.tar.gz': No such file or directory
# checking for /usr/share/debootstrap/pkgdetails...

# Starting debootstrap installation
./kirkwood.debian-wheezy6.sh: line 356: /tmp/bootstrap/debootstrap: No such file or directory
debootstrap failed.
See /tmp/debian/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for more information.
Pogoplug:/tmp$ ls
debian                      resolv.conf
debootstrap                 uboot-mtd0-dump
install_uboot_mtd0.sh       var
Pogoplug:/tmp$ cd debootstrap/
Pogoplug:/tmp/debootstrap$ ls
control.tar.gz   data.tar.xz      debian-binary    debootstrap.deb

It looks like the two lines immediately after the download of
debootstrap are not getting run , a delay possibly needed ??
As sleep is recognised I'll add sleep 2 after the download and see.

I suspect that without updating the install scripts that pogoplugs can
only run squeeze , as an early version of debootstrap is written to
Flash , I guess in the install of uboot
Best wishes /73
Richard Bown
Email : richard@g8jvm.com   
HTTP  :  http://www.g8jvm.com
nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Linux Mint 16 x86_64 on a Dell Inspiron N5030 laptop
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W
QRV VHF 6mtrs 200W, 4 mtrs 150W, 2mtrs 400W, 70cms 200W
Microwave 23 cms 140W, 13 cms 100W, 6 cms 0W & 3cms 5W

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