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Re: PHP4 Forward Port to Lenny

On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 10:32:54PM +0100, Jan Ingvoldstad wrote:
> It's easy (even though it's painful) to deal with those customers. Just say
> And yes, the place I work did just that. We started by introducing PHP 5 as
> I admit that we were ruefully slow at forcing people over, if we'd started
> Okay, we're not a big hosting provider, we're a small to medium-sized one,
> These companies live in a fantasy world. As good as no software is supported
> PHP 5 wasn't really stable-ish until PHP 5.2.5, that's true. But by then, we
> All actively maintained PHP-based software has supported PHP 5 for several
'Oh my good how 3l33t I am....'
> You have my deepest sympathies. I wouldn't want to work there.
He didn't ask you for them. He didn't invite you there.

Really, this (Gg)uy makes an effort. Tries to help people with A REAL
WORLD problem. And all you give him is smartpants 'people should do this
and that' answer. He probably knows about PHP5, PHP4 EOL and all that
stuff. He needs that, and thought some other people might too.
You don't need his packages? Don't use them.

The packages are not suited for this place, ok that's it, he gets
informed, Holger offers a solution. End of story.


Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta    | Formación, consultoría y soporte técnico
agi@(inittab.org|debian.org)| en GNU/Linux y software libre
Encrypted mail preferred    | http://inittab.com

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