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Re: Trying to backport valgrind to lenny

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 05:54:21PM +0200, Carsten Aulbert wrote:
> On Thursday 27 May 2010 17:43:37 Alexander Wirt wrote:
> > Ok, let me see:
> > libc6-dev-i386: libc6-dev-i386 | 2.7-18lenny1 |        stable | amd64
> > 2.7 is smaller than 2.3.0 so this won't work with lenny.
> I am confused...
> $ dpkg --compare-versions "2.7" ">>" "2.3.0"; echo $?           
> 0
> Why is 2.7 smaller than 2.3.0?

Erm, it's not smaller - it's just as it should be :)  From
dpkg's manual page:

  dpkg returns success (zero result) if the specified condition is
  satisfied, and failure (nonzero result) otherwise.

In this case, the condition *is* satisfied, so dpkg returns zero.
The idea here is that in Unix programs, a zero exit code signifies
success, not error, and thus, in Bourne shell scripting, the "if"
and "while" conditionals are satisfied by a zero exit code and
fail on anything else.  So:

  if dpkg --compare-versions 2.7 '>>' 2.3.0; then
     echo 'Everything is just fine!'

...would succeed precisely because dpkg returns zero :)



Peter Pentchev  roam@ringlet.net    roam@space.bg    roam@FreeBSD.org
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