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Re: Removal of 2.6.39-bpo

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 07:20, Ram Natarajan <ram@cradle.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> It would be good if there is a clear warning message that backport archives can
> suddenly disappear from the repository without warning. This is to ensure that
> people do not use the backport archives like the stable ones assuming that it
> will be available in the future.
> Here is what happened - I had installed 2.6.39 backport kernel on my machine. A
> few months later, I wanted to build a kernel module and found that
> linux-headers-2.6.39-bpo.2-686-pae has disappeared from the repository. Yes - I
> do know that the latest bpo kernel is 3.2, but it would have been good to warn
> me. I would have, at the least, made a local copy of all the necessary archive
> files.
> -Ram

Try snapshot.debian.org:

Aron Xu

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