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Re: Backports integrated into the main archive

   Hi, Vincent!

* Vincent Cheng <vincentc1208@gmail.com> [2013-03-18 20:47:11 CET]:
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:59 AM, Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.org> wrote:
> >  Also, given that the upload goes to the same upload queue, there is
> > only one keyring used anymore, so no more pain with expired or replaced
> > keys.  We though still keep the rule of adding your UID to an ACL list
> > (this also includes DM additions).  This is mostly only to give us the
> > chance to remind you that uploads to backports are directly available
> > for installation onto stable systems and you thus should take special
> > care there. We carefully tried to take over the old ACLs, in case you
> > can't upload anymore, please tell us[4] so we can look into the issue.
> For DMs with DM upload rights for a package in the main archive, how
> would they go about getting themselves added to this ACL list? The
> "Contribute" page on backports-master.d.o [1] mention something about
> a Debian request tracker, but that seems to only be accessible by DDs
> (and there aren't any instructions on that page targeted for DMs).

 See http://wiki.debian.org/rt.debian.org#Mail_Access - but you are
right, we should definitely add that into the contribute page directly.

 So a mail to backports@rt.debian.org with "Debian RT" somewhere in the
subject would create a ticket for you. :)

 Enjoy, and thanks for that question!
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