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Re: Choosing a kernel, and security issues

On Thu, 2016-12-08 at 15:54 +1300, Richard Hector wrote:
> Hi all - not sure if this is the best list for this question, sorry.
> I'm currently running backport kernels on several jessie machines, some
> because of hardware requirements (recent intel graphics) and some to get
> recent lxc packages, which I understand are much better than the stock
> jessie ones.
> I recently learned on debian-user that the 4.7 backport kernels have
> problems and shouldn't be used, and that I should stick with 4.6 instead
> (despite that no longer being available in the archive).

You should upgrade unless you know the new version won't work for you.

> But then I
> thought to check on the August TCP bug, CVE-2016-5696 - and the 4.6
> backport kernel appears to be still affected.
> Am I left with my only option being to build my own?
> Do backport kernels ever get security patches, or 3rd-level point
> release updates?

They do... slowly.

> Obviously I realise that I pay nothing and can demand nothing, but I'm
> curious - presumably people build these packages because they need them;
> do they then choose another way forward if things go wrong, and abandon
> the backport?

No, the backports are supposed to be kept up-to-date with testing.

> Also, as an aside, I tried to download the matching source for the
> kernel I'm running (before realising the CVE would be mentioned in the
> changelog in the binary package), and failed - the source tree is newer,
> and not a git repo so I can't go back, and cloning the git tree from
> https://anonscm.debian.org/git/kernel/linux.git only gives me the debian
> directory - where do I get the source for my running kernel?

The debian/bin/genorig.py will generate it from the upstream linux git
repository.  Alternately <http://snapshot.debian.org> has all the old
uploaded versions.


Ben Hutchings
When in doubt, use brute force. - Ken Thompson

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