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Re: Adding libsqlcipher0 to stretch-backports


(adding Micah to the loop, he is the last uploader for the package)

>I propose adding libsqlcipher0 in version 3.4.1 (from buster) to
>Reason: libsqlcipher0 in version 3.2.0 (currently shipped with stretch)
>links against OpenSSL 1.0.x, whereas the new version links against
>OpenSSL 1.1.x. In our use case where both libsqlcipher0 and libraries
>from Qt5 are used alongside each other, this results in Segfaults when
>calling into libsqlcipher0.
>Sadly, I have no prior experience with Debian package maintenance and,
>following the hints in the documentation, therefore suggest this to this
>mailing list.

you probably should make sure that skrooge this work with the backported package...

Did ABI change from 3.2.0 to 3.4.1? (specially with the underlying toolchain changes)?
If so, without a SONAME bump, this is an RC bug and a no-go for a backport.


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