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Re: Interested in Debian Bazel efforts

Hi Yun,

I am a bit busy these months. However, I remain interested in packaging Bazel for Debian. My Alpine Linux package has already proved it possible to air gapped two-staged compile a working Bazel that depends on packages on system only, passes tests and is good for most cases. Though, Alpine does not have vendoring and other policies that are as strict as Debian. I expect the same patches to allow us to have a working Debian package, but a more experienced Debian Developer would have to deal with the policy parts and push the package into the archive/repo. I can try to hack together a package when I have time.



On 10/20/2021 8:54 AM, Yun Peng wrote:
Hi Jesse,

Just want to check if you or anyone else is still interested in working on packaging Bazel 4.x, and if there is anything we could help from the Bazel team!


On Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 1:22 PM Jesse Chan <jc@linux.com> wrote:
Hi Yun,

> 3.5.1 isn't really actively maintained. But you are right, we are
> switching to LTS release starting from 4.0.0. Bazel will keep
> developing at HEAD and have rolling release (eg. 5.0.0-pre.20200315).
> The LTS version will cherry pick important features, bug fixes, etc
> that are backwards compatible.
> 4.1.0 is currently being prepared at
> https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/13099
> <https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/13099>
I see.
> I think for every LTS release, we can package Bazel as a separate
> package, bazel-<major version number>, and bazel-bootstrap can keep
> track of the latest LTS version (if we want to keep it).
Good idea. Though, IMO, to maintain multiple versions, we need a bigger
team. To allow coexistence, we also have to figure out a way to deal
with "bazel" and other shared stuff, similar to python/python2/python3
> The next step is to package the bazel-4 package. I have a script
> <https://github.com/meteorcloudy/bazel/blob/debian-3.4.0-build-with-bazel/debian/build.sh>that
> was previously shared with Olek, which builds Bazel with Bazel without
> internet access. Hope it could help.
> I still need to look into how we can build and package java_tools so
> that users can use Bazel to build java projects for Debian, (sorry for
> the delay, Olek).

Thanks. I will take a look.


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