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Re: update-cluster

In Sun, 29 Jul 2001 09:25:58 +0530 Viral cum veritate scripsit :

> Here are some questions and thoughts I have on update-cluster:
> 1. cluster.dtd needs to be modifiable in a way to easily accomodate
> packages
>    that need information other than that already present. Maybe the
> notes
>    field can be used for this. 

I'd rather say, cluster.dtd needs to be modified.
It can be modified easily.

I think "nfsroot" and "nfsexport" entries need to be there, at least,

 <nfsroot options="ro">/tftpboot/</nfsroot>

kind of expression comes to my mind.

I guess nfsroot and nfsexport entries need to be different, but 
I cannot justify.

>    For example, mosix requires a node number. /etc/exports for NFS
>    could use options specified in a subfield of notes in cluster.xml,

>    or the spong configuration can use a subfield of notes to determine
>    which services to monitor.

I think that should be something different,
that is really a specific service to spong, but maybe we could have 

Adding such a field to cluster.dtd is really trivial.
It is questionable whether it should be added.

> 2. update-cluster-regenerate should run an updatelist script specified
> as
>    an argument to it. This way, a package can regenerate a config file
>    using update-cluster-regenerate without bothering about side-effects.

Hmmm... This is an interesting point.
update-cluster-regenerate only just executes every script, and one can
execute the script directly.

Also, please note that running *.updatelist in postinst 
is against Debian Policy, if the configuration file is a conffile.

Also, another extention is to make the action non-destructive, so that 
in a configuration file we would have a region surrounded by 

original config ...

#start autogenerated by update-cluster
normal config ..
#end autogenerated by update-cluster

This is, if the configuration file has a method of expressing comments,
which many do.

> 3. update-cluster-{add,regenerate} should give some help with --help.
> This
>    is also trivially doable.

Yes. It should give some help when no command-line arguments are given too..

> 4. update-cluster could use debconf for input. Other packages can then
> call
>    it in their postinst to generate the new config files.

I am feeling dubious about that...
I don't like my configuration file automatically overwritten when
some package gets installed.

> I'm not sure if all these are good ideas, but if they are, then I would
> be
> glad to help with the coding, as I tend to have free time nowadays.

Nice to hear ;)

dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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