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Re: Thermometer not updating

Hi Andreas,

On 10/18/2013 02:25 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Cool!  Many thanks for the patch.  Unfortunately it is really seldom
> that people provide patches to the Blends tools and thus I'm really
> happy about it!  I have upgraded the code on Alioth accordingly.

Glad I can help. I live by the motto that if you want something done you
have to do it yourself, or at least take the initiative as far as
possible if you can't do it all. In the end it's just scratching an inch
and sharing the scratcher. :)

> However, we were wrong with the assumption about freexl that it was just
> a cron job we need to wait for:  The problem was actually in the tasks
> file.  The syntax is the same as in debian/control files where you are
> not allowed to have more than one "Depends:" per paragraph.  I commited
> a patch with two additional newlines which should finally fix the issue
> (after next cron job).

Thanks for the fix. I'll review the tasks files to verify that mistake
is fixed everywhere.

> May be some additional check / warning inside the tasks file parser
> might make sense to avoid such mistakes.

Maybe add a Blends tasks model to Config::Model so you can just cme
check/fix the task file?

> Another thing about your thermometer patch:  It is only for the Debian
> GIS thermometer - the Ubuntu GIS thermometer does not contain the
> package in new.

I'm not sure if the Debian NEW queue is of much interest for Ubuntu, it
won't be synced before it hits unstable. For Debian it's nice to see in
which part of Debian each version lives.

For the Ubuntu thermometer it's more useful to have an overview of the
versions available in the Ubuntu GIS PPA. Those are packages from the
current state of the Debian GIS VCS and not the synced packages from
Debian unstable.

But I need to write a gatherer to get the Packages from the PPA first.
Also I'm not sure if the UDD folks would like that many extra binary
packages in the database. I've have to evaluate the amount of new data
it will introduce.

Kind Regards,


GnuPG: 0xE88D4AF1 (new) / 0x77A975AD (old)

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