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Re: Debian Games Pure Blend

Hi Markus,

On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 12:02:14PM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
> > 
> > Well, that's your decision and I will not question this.  I just like to
> > remind you that you also can add packages "not yet in main but in VCS
> > targeting at main".  This kind of todo list is useful to help potential
> > new developers picking some useful task.  They are also added as
> > "Suggests" but show up on the tasks pages in separate paragraph.
> That's a good idea. However the first iteration of debian-games is
> targeted at casual users who simply want to play games but don't really
> know what kind of games Debian has to offer. I intend to create some
> developer/contributor oriented metapackages later in the future.

I guess I was not yet clear about listing not yet uploaded packages and
so I'd like to work with an example.  If you look at


you se a lot of entries which are also created by simply add

   Depends: acacia, mmos-assembler, apollo, ...

to the bio task of Debian Med.  These entries will end up as

   Suggests: acacia, mmos-assembler, apollo, ...

in med-bio package which remains perfectly installable and valid despite
the packages are not in Debian.  However, visitors of the web sentinel
page get a clear image what we are working on.

> They
> will be tailored for certain programming languages and recommend or
> suggest different content packages with game data and they will also
> include some hints what kind of help is needed.

That's a perfectly nice idea but orthogonal to what I wanted to express.

> Nevertheless I believe
> the best way to get involved is to contact team members at
> debian-devel-games or on IRC and ask for potential tasks directly.

In case you make some kind of scheduled meeting I could join this.
(I'm usually not on IRC.)

Kind regards



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