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Re: [GSoC] Rewriting tasks.py to exclusively use UDD


In blendstasktools.py:

1. class Tasks uses function ReadConfig() to get all the metadata of a blend. In UDD, blends_metadata table contains all the metadata that can be extracted through ReadConfig(). So, instead of reading the webconf/<blend-name>.conf file, we need to get the metadata information from this table.

2. FetchTasksFiles() fetches files from SVN of a blend. In UDD, the information about the tasks of a blend is available in blends_tasks. I think we will need to checkout from git/svn anyway. But we can get all other information, about these tasks, from this table.

3. class TaskDependencies gets the list of dependencies in one metapackage. This also uses ReadConfig(). So this will also change to use blends_metadata table of UDD.

4. class DependantPackage holds information about a package that is in dependency list. In UDD, the table blends_prospectivepackages holds this information. This function needs to be changed so that it gets all the information from blends_prospectivepackages.

So, in short tasks.py, blendstasktools.py and dependant modules need to be modified to largely use blends_dependencies, blends_dependencies_alternatives, blends_dependencies_priorities, blends_metadata, blends_prospectivepackages and blends_tasks tables from UDD.

Am I on the right track ? I am really sorry for the delay though. I promise to cover it up.

Thanking You,
Akshita Jha

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