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Re: boot-floppies dselect acquisition methods

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999 19:52:36 -0500 (EST), Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu> said:
>> How is this a statement like that? Someone could easialy do that
>> with another computer and a floppy disk or by running FTP by hand -
>> we already do that to people who need dhcp which is argably much
>> larger than those that need specialized proxy support.

Yes, well, I hope we have dhcp in the next version; I think tftp/nfs
installation is going to become probably a premier method for anyone
doing more than one installation on the same network.

> Not to mention, how the heck did they get the boot floppies?  If
> they are getting the floppies via internet, they can get any other
> packages they need.  If they got them via cd, everything they need
> should be on the cd.

Yes, I relent; I think it would be leave off the http/ftp methods.

Enrique, are you going to remove the other, obsolete, dpkg methods as
I discussed earlier in this thread?  Can you give a list of methods
which will be operative for 2.1.6 and beyond, so I can comment stuff
out of the dselect documentation?

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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