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Re: New boot floppies for potato!

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 02:30:54AM -0400 , Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> I would build/test/upload a corrected 2.2.1 but my net connection is
> too slow to mirror all that stuff (I already do it for sparc).

I might be able to do it. I've got a reasonably fast (:)) connection at


I'm trying to compile boot-floppies. When I set the correct
path to my mirror of Debian, make imediatly fails with
Makefile:691: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.

hmm. Quick hack is to comment out the offending line in
makefile ($(shell find $(archive) -type f )).
Could it matter that the archive mirror has also some additional
subdirs (like base/OTHER and such)?

2) Handling of non-english languages.
dbootstrap defines LANG=$LINGUA. It is IMHO bad. The correct setting
for Czech is (at least) cs_CZ, only cs doesn't do it (like perl is complaining
about the non-existance of locale - the files in /usr/share/locale/cs are only
translations of programes not locale settings). Other posibility is to set
LANG=czech and less locale.alias handle it. But there is currently no way
dbootstrap can do this.
I think it should be enough to add another configuration variable, like
CORRECT_LANG, which will be written to disk on install or make the scripts
chomp addidional characters from correctly set LINGUA (cs_CZ.iso88592 -> cs).
This should apply to other languages as well.

				Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

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