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Re: bf-common.tgz Was: ps reports Error: /proc must be mounted and also Segmentation fault?

Erik: note that Shaul is testing the base system, not busybox, that is
why he's working from base2_2.tgz and you from root.bin.

Shaul, the base system does require that /proc is mounted properly.
It's pretty clear that we need to put together a little documentation
on steps to take to test the base system.

1. build base2_2.tgz from boot-floppies CVS or extract from bf-common.tar.gz
2. make a temp area for putting the base system in
3. become root, and do the following:
   cd <temparea>
   tar -xpzf <whereever>/base2_2.tgz
   chroot . bin/bash
   mount -t proc proc /proc
4. fini

As far as I know, that should do it.

I'll upload a new base2_2.tgz soon.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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