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Bug#651650: #651650 tasksel-xfce-desktop: Dependency problem in netinst tasksel-xfce

On 13/12/2011 18:02, Joey Hess wrote:
>> Hello, i just installed wheezy with a desktop=xfce option at grub in netinst cd.
>> Works fine, but xfce-mixer don't.
>> Probably a dependency problem in tasksel program.
>> I install gstreamer-alsa and i fixed this manually
> My guess from this limited and unclear information is that, since
> xfce-mixer depends on gstreamer0.10-alsa | gstreamer0.10-audiosink,
> installation of various other packages that provide the latter,
> such as gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio, could unintentionally satisfy the
> dependency without the former being installed. 
> When I remove gstreamer0.10-alsa here, xfce4-mixer seems
> to use OSS instead, which works here but is not really desirable.
> Should the xfce4 task explicitly pull in gstreamer0.10-alsa to avoid this
> problem?
It seems that this is something hurting a few people already, so maybe.
I'm not too sure why pulseaudio is installed by default, but if
xfce4-mixer doesn't work with the pulseaudio audiosink, then it might
just be wise to just depend on the -alsa variant.


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