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Re: Bug#661056: please re-open Bug#610553: installation-reports: does not cleanly deconfigure network configured with DHCP

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Hi Jeffrey,

Jeffrey Sheinberg <jeff@bsrd.net> (28/12/2012):
> Likewise, this bug is still occuring in wheezy, I used:
>     debian-wheezy-DI-b4-amd64-CD-1.iso
> to make this determination.
> I am cc-ing debian-boot, in the hope that someone there will be motivated
> to take some interest in fixing this bug.

netcfg has the following finish-install script:
,---[ finish-install.d/97release-dhcp-lease ]---
| #!/bin/sh
| set -e
| pid=$(pidof udhcpc) || true
| [ -n "$pid" ] && kill -USR2 $pid
| if [ "$(pidof dhclient || true)" ]; then
| 	dhclient -r || true
| 	dhclient -6 -r || true
| fi

which seems to match what you proposed in #610553:
| Solution - please send SIGUSR2 to the "udhcpc" process at end of
| installation (menu items: finish up the installation, or abort the
| installation).

AFAICT, $(pidof udhcpc) works, and the script quoted above looks
reasonable. From a quick strace, it looks like udhcpc is properly
releasing the lease on SIGUSR2.

Any chance you could catch a network trace during the end of
installation, and one on normal shutdown? To make sure DHCPRELEASE
happens properly, you could also compare to a network trace when
calling “kill -USR2 $(pidof udhcpc)” from a console after you obtained
a lease.


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