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Bug#698528: debian-installer: BusyBox's wget doesn't preseed from HTTPS

Christian PERRIER <bubulle@debian.org> writes:

> Quoting Kernc (kerncece@gmail.com):
>> Package: debian-installer
>> Version: 20121114
>> Severity: normal
>> Dear Maintainer,
>> When running automatic installation with preseed file, the installer
>> fails to download the preseed config file if provided from a HTTPS
>> location, e.g.
>> preseed/url=https://raw.github.com/kernc/linux-home/master/debfix-preseed.cfg
>> The limitation is that of BusyBox's wget, which doesn't handle
>> Since original wget is part of base install and thus inherently
>> present on the medium, can't it somehow be used instead of the
>> BusyBox version?
> It's too  early in the installation process to have wget ready and
> installed when the preseed file is gathered. I don't know if busybox
> wget can be enabled with HTTPS but I doubt we do it (as it will
> probably require adding SSL libraries as well).
> In short, I very much doubt that https gathering of preseed files is
> easy to achieve.

One is prompted to ask why this is important -- do you want HTTPS
because you're concerned about privacy, or concerned about the
possibility of someone mounting a man-in-the-middle attack and providing
alternative preseed files, or just because you're not currently running
anything but an HTTPS server?

Some of those aims should be achievable by using HTTP based preseed
files, and then checking them using gpgv before loading them.

Of course you need to have a trusted way of getting the keys you trust
onto the install machine, but the same goes for the HTTPS server keys
that you'd need to trust.

That could be as little as showing the fingerprint of the key to the
user, and asking them to verify it against a piece of paper (as long as
the d-i image that caused the fingerprint to be shown is trusted) -- or
just having the keys on the CD or USB stick that you're installing from,

PXE booting (unless it has authentication) means that you cannot trust
what's on the machine anyway ... at least not if you distrust your
network enough to want HTTPS.

There are the beginnings of some preseed scripts that would allow this
sort of checking, but without the actual gpg stuff yet, here:


with the missing bit of the jigsaw being here:


which should ensure that gpgv is available, and then use it to check
that a downloaded file of checksums is signed by a signature that we
trust, and then use the checksums in that file for each of the matching
files as it downloads them ... but all of that's missing at present.

It should be possible to do all that in a script that then needs no
changes, such that the checksum can be set once and for all in:


which is what starts the ball rolling.

If you have a need for this, please feel free to add the missing pieces
(or pay/beg me to do so ;-) ), as then we'll be able to have a framework
for safely publishing example preseed recipes on debian.org

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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