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Bug#850957: succesful installation on Intel NUC6i3SYB

Package: installation-reports
Severity: wishlist

No problems with this install, just a "everything is good" report,

-- Package-specific info:

Boot method: USB
Image version: debian-stretch-DI-alpha8-amd64-netinst.iso downloaded
from cdimage.debian.org mirrors SHA256:
Date: 2017-01-04T19:40:00

Machine: Intel NUC6i3SYB

Filesystem                 Type      1K-blocks       Used  Available Use% Mounted on
udev                       devtmpfs   8150368K         0K   8150368K   0% /dev
tmpfs                      tmpfs      1632420K     50584K   1581836K   4% /run
/dev/mapper/curie--vg-root ext4      28703652K  11519504K  15703036K  43% /
tmpfs                      tmpfs      8162100K     14688K   8147412K   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                      tmpfs         5120K         4K      5116K   1% /run/lock
tmpfs                      tmpfs      8162100K         0K   8162100K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/curie--vg-home ext4     433665920K 133400984K 278166200K  33% /home
tmpfs                      tmpfs      1632420K        20K   1632400K   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sda2                  ext4        241965K     68469K    161004K  30% /boot
/dev/sda1                  vfat        523248K       132K    523116K   1% /boot/efi

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [O]
Configure network:      [O]
Detect CD:              [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O]
User/password setup:    [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [O]
Install base system:    [O]
Install tasks:          [O]
Install boot loader:    [O]
Overall install:        [O]


I had problems with my screen, because the NUC requires a digital
display. I had previously used a HDMI/DVI connector to connect my
laptop and the screen, but this failed on the NUC, presumably because
it wasn't sending analog signals through the HDMI cable. I found a
miniDP to VGA adapter, and everything worked smoothly after that.

I never got the wifi card to work, and never bothered to either: I am
fine with the wired connection. I *believe* it requires a binary
firmware blob, because it is not detected correctly otherwise.

One oddity I have found after install is that I couldn't run
memtest86+ (or memtest86) from grub. I installed it after the first
boot, rebooted, but then the memtest86 never comes up when I select it
from the dropdown.

In an image I custom-build with vmdebootstrap that includes
memtest86+, I was able to select the menu option, so I am not sure
what is going on here.

Otherwise this is a "two thumbs up" for running Debian strech on a
recent Intel NUC platform. It's awesome.



Please make sure that the hardware-summary log file, and any other
installation logs that you think would be useful are attached to this
report. Please compress large files using gzip.

Once you have filled out this report, mail it to submit@bugs.debian.org.

Installer lsb-release:
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Debian GNU/Linux installer"
DISTRIB_RELEASE="9 (stretch) - installer build 20161031"

Installer hardware-summary:
uname -a: Linux curie 4.7.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.7.8-1 (2016-10-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
lspci -knn: 00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers [8086:1904] (rev 08)
lspci -knn: 	DeviceName:  WIFI
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Integrated Graphics [8086:1916] (rev 07)
lspci -knn: 	DeviceName:  CPU
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:14.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d2f] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 	Kernel driver in use: xhci_hcd
lspci -knn: 	Kernel modules: xhci_pci
lspci -knn: 00:14.2 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d31] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:16.0 Communication controller [0780]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d3a] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:17.0 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d03] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 	Kernel driver in use: ahci
lspci -knn: 	Kernel modules: ahci
lspci -knn: 00:1c.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d14] (rev f1)
lspci -knn: 	Kernel driver in use: pcieport
lspci -knn: 00:1e.0 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d27] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:1e.6 SD Host controller [0805]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d2d] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 	Kernel driver in use: sdhci-pci
lspci -knn: 	Kernel modules: sdhci_pci
lspci -knn: 00:1f.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d48] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:1f.2 Memory controller [0580]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d21] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:1f.3 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d70] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:1f.4 SMBus [0c05]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d23] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I219-V [8086:1570] (rev 21)
lspci -knn: 	DeviceName:  LAN
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2063]
lspci -knn: 	Kernel driver in use: e1000e
lspci -knn: 	Kernel modules: e1000e
lspci -knn: 01:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 [8086:24f3] (rev 3a)
lspci -knn: 	Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9010]
lspci -knn: 	Kernel modules: iwlwifi
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 01: xHCI Host Controller [1d6b:0002]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 01
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64 xhci-hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 02: Gigastone USB 2.0 Drive [048d:1176]
usb-list:    Level 01 Parent 01 Port 01  Class 00(>ifc ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Gigastone
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 08(mstor) Subclass 06 Protocol 50 Driver usb-storage
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 03: Kensington Expert Mouse [047d:1020]
usb-list:    Level 01 Parent 01 Port 02  Class 00(>ifc ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Kensington     
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 03(HID  ) Subclass 01 Protocol 02 Driver usbhid
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 04: Dell USB Keyboard [413c:2003]
usb-list:    Level 01 Parent 01 Port 03  Class 00(>ifc ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Dell
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 03(HID  ) Subclass 01 Protocol 01 Driver usbhid
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 05: Dell USB Keyboard [8087:0a2b]
usb-list:    Level 01 Parent 01 Port 06  Class e0(wlcon) Subclass 01 Protocol 01
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class e0(wlcon) Subclass 01 Protocol 01 Driver <none>
usb-list:    Interface 01: Class e0(wlcon) Subclass 01 Protocol 01 Driver <none>
usb-list: Bus 02 Device 01: xHCI Host Controller [1d6b:0003]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 03
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64 xhci-hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
lsmod: Module                  Size  Used by
lsmod: ufs                    73728  0
lsmod: qnx4                   16384  0
lsmod: hfsplus               102400  0
lsmod: hfs                    57344  0
lsmod: minix                  36864  0
lsmod: msdos                  20480  0
lsmod: ntfs                   98304  0
lsmod: usblp                  20480  0
lsmod: fuse                   98304  0
lsmod: battery                16384  0
lsmod: nls_ascii              16384  1
lsmod: nls_cp437              20480  1
lsmod: xts                    16384  2
lsmod: gf128mul               16384  1 xts
lsmod: dm_crypt               24576  1
lsmod: dm_mod                106496  12 dm_crypt
lsmod: md_mod                131072  0
lsmod: xfs                   958464  0
lsmod: libcrc32c              16384  1 xfs
lsmod: jfs                   176128  0
lsmod: btrfs                1015808  0
lsmod: xor                    24576  1 btrfs
lsmod: raid6_pq              102400  1 btrfs
lsmod: ext4                  589824  3
lsmod: ecb                    16384  0
lsmod: crc16                  16384  1 ext4
lsmod: jbd2                  106496  1 ext4
lsmod: crc32c_generic         16384  6
lsmod: mbcache                16384  4 ext4
lsmod: iwlwifi               147456  0
lsmod: cfg80211              569344  1 iwlwifi
lsmod: rfkill                 24576  1 cfg80211
lsmod: vfat                   20480  1
lsmod: fat                    69632  2 vfat,msdos
lsmod: e1000e                237568  0
lsmod: efivars                20480  0
lsmod: ptp                    20480  1 e1000e
lsmod: pps_core               20480  1 ptp
lsmod: nls_utf8               16384  0
lsmod: isofs                  40960  0
lsmod: hid_generic            16384  0
lsmod: usbhid                 49152  0
lsmod: vga16fb                24576  0
lsmod: vgastate               20480  1 vga16fb
lsmod: uas                    24576  0
lsmod: usb_storage            69632  1 uas
lsmod: sd_mod                 45056  4
lsmod: ahci                   36864  3
lsmod: libahci                32768  1 ahci
lsmod: xhci_pci               16384  0
lsmod: xhci_hcd              172032  1 xhci_pci
lsmod: libata                245760  2 ahci,libahci
lsmod: sdhci_pci              28672  0
lsmod: sdhci                  40960  1 sdhci_pci
lsmod: usbcore               241664  6 uas,usblp,usb_storage,usbhid,xhci_hcd,xhci_pci
lsmod: mmc_core              139264  2 sdhci,sdhci_pci
lsmod: scsi_mod              225280  4 uas,usb_storage,libata,sd_mod
lsmod: usb_common             16384  1 usbcore
lsmod: thermal                20480  0
lsmod: fan                    16384  0
lsmod: i2c_hid                20480  0
lsmod: hid                   118784  3 i2c_hid,hid_generic,usbhid
df: Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
df: none                   1632444        84   1632360   0% /run
df: devtmpfs               8154156         0   8154156   0% /dev
df: /dev/mapper/curie--vg-root
df:                       28703652   3763712  23458828  14% /target
df: /dev/sda2               241965     38422    191051  17% /target/boot
df: /dev/sda1               523248       132    523116   0% /target/boot/efi
df: /dev/mapper/curie--vg-home
df:                      433665920     73772 411493412   0% /target/home
df: /dev/mapper/curie--vg-root
df:                       28703652   3763712  23458828  14% /dev/.static/dev
df: devtmpfs               8154156         0   8154156   0% /target/dev
free:              total         used         free       shared      buffers
free: Mem:      16324428      4613112     11711316       126328       216860
free: -/+ buffers:            4396252     11928176
free: Swap:     16662524            0     16662524
/proc/cmdline: BOOT_IMAGE=/install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet
/proc/cpuinfo: processor	: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu family	: 6
/proc/cpuinfo: model		: 78
/proc/cpuinfo: model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz
/proc/cpuinfo: stepping	: 3
/proc/cpuinfo: microcode	: 0x8a
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu MHz		: 2295.507
/proc/cpuinfo: cache size	: 3072 KB
/proc/cpuinfo: physical id	: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: siblings	: 4
/proc/cpuinfo: core id		: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu cores	: 2
/proc/cpuinfo: apicid		: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: initial apicid	: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu_exception	: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: cpuid level	: 22
/proc/cpuinfo: wp		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch epb intel_pt tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_notify hwp_act_window hwp_epp
/proc/cpuinfo: bugs		:
/proc/cpuinfo: bogomips	: 4607.91
/proc/cpuinfo: clflush size	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: cache_alignment	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: address sizes	: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
/proc/cpuinfo: power management:
/proc/cpuinfo: processor	: 1
/proc/cpuinfo: vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu family	: 6
/proc/cpuinfo: model		: 78
/proc/cpuinfo: model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz
/proc/cpuinfo: stepping	: 3
/proc/cpuinfo: microcode	: 0x8a
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu MHz		: 2300.000
/proc/cpuinfo: cache size	: 3072 KB
/proc/cpuinfo: physical id	: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: siblings	: 4
/proc/cpuinfo: core id		: 1
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu cores	: 2
/proc/cpuinfo: apicid		: 2
/proc/cpuinfo: initial apicid	: 2
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu_exception	: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: cpuid level	: 22
/proc/cpuinfo: wp		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch epb intel_pt tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_notify hwp_act_window hwp_epp
/proc/cpuinfo: bugs		:
/proc/cpuinfo: bogomips	: 4608.86
/proc/cpuinfo: clflush size	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: cache_alignment	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: address sizes	: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
/proc/cpuinfo: power management:
/proc/cpuinfo: processor	: 2
/proc/cpuinfo: vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu family	: 6
/proc/cpuinfo: model		: 78
/proc/cpuinfo: model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz
/proc/cpuinfo: stepping	: 3
/proc/cpuinfo: microcode	: 0x8a
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu MHz		: 2300.000
/proc/cpuinfo: cache size	: 3072 KB
/proc/cpuinfo: physical id	: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: siblings	: 4
/proc/cpuinfo: core id		: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu cores	: 2
/proc/cpuinfo: apicid		: 1
/proc/cpuinfo: initial apicid	: 1
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu_exception	: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: cpuid level	: 22
/proc/cpuinfo: wp		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch epb intel_pt tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_notify hwp_act_window hwp_epp
/proc/cpuinfo: bugs		:
/proc/cpuinfo: bogomips	: 4609.26
/proc/cpuinfo: clflush size	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: cache_alignment	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: address sizes	: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
/proc/cpuinfo: power management:
/proc/cpuinfo: processor	: 3
/proc/cpuinfo: vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu family	: 6
/proc/cpuinfo: model		: 78
/proc/cpuinfo: model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz
/proc/cpuinfo: stepping	: 3
/proc/cpuinfo: microcode	: 0x8a
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu MHz		: 2300.000
/proc/cpuinfo: cache size	: 3072 KB
/proc/cpuinfo: physical id	: 0
/proc/cpuinfo: siblings	: 4
/proc/cpuinfo: core id		: 1
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu cores	: 2
/proc/cpuinfo: apicid		: 3
/proc/cpuinfo: initial apicid	: 3
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu_exception	: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: cpuid level	: 22
/proc/cpuinfo: wp		: yes
/proc/cpuinfo: flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch epb intel_pt tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_notify hwp_act_window hwp_epp
/proc/cpuinfo: bugs		:
/proc/cpuinfo: bogomips	: 4608.91
/proc/cpuinfo: clflush size	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: cache_alignment	: 64
/proc/cpuinfo: address sizes	: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
/proc/cpuinfo: power management:
/proc/ioports: 0000-0cf7 : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/ioports:   0000-001f : dma1
/proc/ioports:   0020-0021 : pic1
/proc/ioports:   0040-0043 : timer0
/proc/ioports:   0050-0053 : timer1
/proc/ioports:   0060-0060 : keyboard
/proc/ioports:   0064-0064 : keyboard
/proc/ioports:   0070-0077 : rtc0
/proc/ioports:   0080-008f : dma page reg
/proc/ioports:   00a0-00a1 : pic2
/proc/ioports:   00c0-00df : dma2
/proc/ioports:   00f0-00ff : fpu
/proc/ioports:   0680-069f : pnp 00:02
/proc/ioports:   0a00-0a2f : pnp 00:00
/proc/ioports:   0a30-0a3f : pnp 00:00
/proc/ioports:   0a40-0a4f : pnp 00:00
/proc/ioports: 0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
/proc/ioports: 0d00-ffff : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/ioports:   164e-164f : pnp 00:02
/proc/ioports:   1800-18fe : pnp 00:02
/proc/ioports:     1800-1803 : ACPI PM1a_EVT_BLK
/proc/ioports:     1804-1805 : ACPI PM1a_CNT_BLK
/proc/ioports:     1808-180b : ACPI PM_TMR
/proc/ioports:     1850-1850 : ACPI PM2_CNT_BLK
/proc/ioports:     1854-1857 : pnp 00:04
/proc/ioports:     1880-189f : ACPI GPE0_BLK
/proc/ioports:   f000-f03f : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/ioports:   f040-f05f : 0000:00:1f.4
/proc/ioports:   f060-f07f : 0000:00:17.0
/proc/ioports:     f060-f07f : ahci
/proc/ioports:   f080-f083 : 0000:00:17.0
/proc/ioports:     f080-f083 : ahci
/proc/ioports:   f090-f097 : 0000:00:17.0
/proc/ioports:     f090-f097 : ahci
/proc/ioports:   ff00-fffe : pnp 00:07
/proc/ioports:   ffff-ffff : pnp 00:02
/proc/ioports:     ffff-ffff : pnp 00:02
/proc/ioports:       ffff-ffff : pnp 00:02
/proc/iomem: 00000000-00000fff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 00001000-00057fff : System RAM
/proc/iomem: 00058000-00058fff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 00059000-0009efff : System RAM
/proc/iomem: 0009f000-0009ffff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 000a0000-000bffff : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/iomem: 000c0000-000cfbff : Video ROM
/proc/iomem: 000f0000-000fffff : System ROM
/proc/iomem: 00100000-85f92fff : System RAM
/proc/iomem:   1f200000-1f7e126b : Kernel code
/proc/iomem:   1f7e126c-1fd12ebf : Kernel data
/proc/iomem:   1fe6d000-1ff34fff : Kernel bss
/proc/iomem: 85f93000-85f93fff : ACPI Non-volatile Storage
/proc/iomem: 85f94000-85fbdfff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 85fbe000-8a245fff : System RAM
/proc/iomem: 8a246000-8a548fff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 8a549000-8a580fff : ACPI Tables
/proc/iomem: 8a581000-8ae72fff : ACPI Non-volatile Storage
/proc/iomem: 8ae73000-8b293fff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 8b294000-8b2fefff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 8b2ff000-8b2fffff : System RAM
/proc/iomem: 8b300000-8b3fffff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 8b400000-8bffffff : RAM buffer
/proc/iomem: 8c000000-8fffffff : reserved
/proc/iomem: 90000000-dfffffff : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/iomem:   c0000000-cfffffff : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/iomem:     c0000000-c06bafff : BOOTFB
/proc/iomem:   de000000-deffffff : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/iomem:   df000000-df0fffff : PCI Bus 0000:01
/proc/iomem:     df000000-df001fff : 0000:01:00.0
/proc/iomem:   df100000-df11ffff : 0000:00:1f.6
/proc/iomem:     df100000-df11ffff : e1000e
/proc/iomem:   df120000-df12ffff : 0000:00:1f.3
/proc/iomem:   df130000-df13ffff : 0000:00:14.0
/proc/iomem:     df130000-df13ffff : xhci-hcd
/proc/iomem:   df140000-df143fff : 0000:00:1f.3
/proc/iomem:   df144000-df147fff : 0000:00:1f.2
/proc/iomem:   df148000-df149fff : 0000:00:17.0
/proc/iomem:     df148000-df149fff : ahci
/proc/iomem:   df14a000-df14a0ff : 0000:00:1f.4
/proc/iomem:   df14b000-df14bfff : 0000:00:1e.6
/proc/iomem:     df14b000-df14bfff : mmc0
/proc/iomem:   df14c000-df14cfff : 0000:00:1e.0
/proc/iomem:   df14d000-df14d7ff : 0000:00:17.0
/proc/iomem:     df14d000-df14d7ff : ahci
/proc/iomem:   df14e000-df14e0ff : 0000:00:17.0
/proc/iomem:     df14e000-df14e0ff : ahci
/proc/iomem:   df14f000-df14ffff : 0000:00:16.0
/proc/iomem:   df150000-df150fff : 0000:00:14.2
/proc/iomem:   dffe0000-dfffffff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: e0000000-efffffff : PCI MMCONFIG 0000 [bus 00-ff]
/proc/iomem:   e0000000-efffffff : reserved
/proc/iomem:     e0000000-efffffff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: fd000000-fe7fffff : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/iomem:   fd000000-fdabffff : pnp 00:06
/proc/iomem:   fdac0000-fdacffff : INT344B:00
/proc/iomem:     fdac0000-fdacffff : INT344B:00
/proc/iomem:   fdad0000-fdadffff : pnp 00:06
/proc/iomem:   fdae0000-fdaeffff : INT344B:00
/proc/iomem:     fdae0000-fdaeffff : INT344B:00
/proc/iomem:   fdaf0000-fdafffff : INT344B:00
/proc/iomem:     fdaf0000-fdafffff : INT344B:00
/proc/iomem:   fdb00000-fdffffff : pnp 00:06
/proc/iomem:   fe000000-fe010fff : reserved
/proc/iomem:   fe028000-fe028fff : pnp 00:08
/proc/iomem:   fe029000-fe029fff : pnp 00:08
/proc/iomem:   fe036000-fe03bfff : pnp 00:06
/proc/iomem:   fe03d000-fe3fffff : pnp 00:06
/proc/iomem:   fe410000-fe7fffff : pnp 00:06
/proc/iomem: fec00000-fec00fff : reserved
/proc/iomem:   fec00000-fec003ff : IOAPIC 0
/proc/iomem: fed00000-fed003ff : HPET 0
/proc/iomem:   fed00000-fed003ff : PNP0103:00
/proc/iomem: fed10000-fed17fff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: fed18000-fed18fff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: fed19000-fed19fff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: fed20000-fed3ffff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: fed45000-fed8ffff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: fed90000-fed90fff : dmar0
/proc/iomem: fed91000-fed91fff : dmar1
/proc/iomem: fee00000-fee00fff : Local APIC
/proc/iomem:   fee00000-fee00fff : reserved
/proc/iomem: ff000000-ffffffff : reserved
/proc/iomem:   ff000000-ffffffff : INT0800:00
/proc/iomem:     ff000000-ffffffff : pnp 00:05
/proc/iomem: 100000000-46effffff : System RAM
/proc/iomem: 46f000000-46fffffff : RAM buffer
/proc/interrupts:             CPU0       CPU1       CPU2       CPU3       
/proc/interrupts:    0:         27          0          0          0  IR-IO-APIC    2-edge      timer
/proc/interrupts:    8:          0          0          1          0  IR-IO-APIC    8-edge      rtc0
/proc/interrupts:    9:          0          0          0          0  IR-IO-APIC    9-fasteoi   acpi
/proc/interrupts:   14:          0          0          0          0  IR-IO-APIC   14-fasteoi   INT344B:00
/proc/interrupts:   23:          0          0          0          0  IR-IO-APIC   23-fasteoi   mmc0
/proc/interrupts:  120:          0          0          0          0  DMAR-MSI    0-edge      dmar0
/proc/interrupts:  121:          0          0          0          0  DMAR-MSI    1-edge      dmar1
/proc/interrupts:  274:       3437       1730       6286       1582  IR-PCI-MSI 327680-edge      xhci_hcd
/proc/interrupts:  275:    7732984      90584     174351      90813  IR-PCI-MSI 376832-edge      ahci[0000:00:17.0]
/proc/interrupts:  276:     241806      58223     716302      39518  IR-PCI-MSI 520192-edge      eno1
/proc/interrupts:  NMI:         38         36         43         34   Non-maskable interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  LOC:     179608     179155     185476     162535   Local timer interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  SPU:          0          0          0          0   Spurious interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  PMI:         38         36         43         34   Performance monitoring interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  IWI:          0          0          0          0   IRQ work interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  RTR:          0          0          0          0   APIC ICR read retries
/proc/interrupts:  RES:     494460    2576814    3400642    3804696   Rescheduling interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  CAL:        666        573        706        687   Function call interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  TLB:       1940       1856       1175       1130   TLB shootdowns
/proc/interrupts:  TRM:          0          0          0          0   Thermal event interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  THR:          0          0          0          0   Threshold APIC interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  DFR:          0          0          0          0   Deferred Error APIC interrupts
/proc/interrupts:  MCE:          0          0          0          0   Machine check exceptions
/proc/interrupts:  MCP:          8          8          8          8   Machine check polls
/proc/interrupts:  ERR:         17
/proc/interrupts:  MIS:          0
/proc/interrupts:  PIN:          0          0          0          0   Posted-interrupt notification event
/proc/interrupts:  PIW:          0          0          0          0   Posted-interrupt wakeup event
/proc/meminfo: MemTotal:       16324428 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemFree:        11711052 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemAvailable:   15736632 kB
/proc/meminfo: Buffers:          216860 kB
/proc/meminfo: Cached:          3837196 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapCached:            0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active:           772716 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive:        3315232 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(anon):     110912 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(anon):    49200 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(file):     661804 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(file):  3266032 kB
/proc/meminfo: Unevictable:           0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mlocked:               0 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapTotal:      16662524 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapFree:       16662524 kB
/proc/meminfo: Dirty:              1692 kB
/proc/meminfo: Writeback:             0 kB
/proc/meminfo: AnonPages:         33672 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mapped:             4652 kB
/proc/meminfo: Shmem:            126328 kB
/proc/meminfo: Slab:             465608 kB
/proc/meminfo: SReclaimable:     439040 kB
/proc/meminfo: SUnreclaim:        26568 kB
/proc/meminfo: KernelStack:        2448 kB
/proc/meminfo: PageTables:          764 kB
/proc/meminfo: NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Bounce:                0 kB
/proc/meminfo: WritebackTmp:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: CommitLimit:    24824736 kB
/proc/meminfo: Committed_AS:     157724 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocUsed:           0 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocChunk:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
/proc/meminfo: AnonHugePages:         0 kB
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Total:       0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Free:        0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Rsvd:        0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Surp:        0
/proc/meminfo: Hugepagesize:       2048 kB
/proc/meminfo: DirectMap4k:      135280 kB
/proc/meminfo: DirectMap2M:     8140800 kB
/proc/meminfo: DirectMap1G:     8388608 kB
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0003 Vendor=047d Product=1020 Version=0110
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="Kensington      Kensington Expert Mouse"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=usb-0000:00:14.0-3/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/0003:047D:1020.0001/input/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=mouse0 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=17
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=f0000 0 0 0 0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: REL=103
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0003 Vendor=413c Product=2003 Version=0110
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="Dell Dell USB Keyboard"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=usb-0000:00:14.0-4/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-4/1-4:1.0/0003:413C:2003.0002/input/input1
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=sysrq kbd leds 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=120013
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=1000000000007 ff9f207ac14057ff febeffdfffefffff fffffffffffffffe
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: LED=7

-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.8.0-2-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=fr_CA.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=fr_CA.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

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