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Bug#919982: apt-setup: preseeded installation hangs at "Use a network mirror?"

Hi Steve,

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 11:58:08PM +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> So I've been looking through this code again, and the corresponding
> code in apt-setup that uses these values. Last time I played with
> apt-setup, I added a table to describe what d-i will do based on the
> information in cd_type, to explain exactly what d-i expects:
> # Various different image types look different here:
> #
> # Image Type                       cd_type
> ###################################################
> # netinst                          "not_complete"
> # full CD sets (default desktop)   "full_cd"
> # desktop-specific CD images       "full_cd/single"
> # DVD                              "dvd"
> # bluray                           "bluray"
> # multi-arch CD/DVD                "not_complete"
> # live                             "live"

Thanks for checking the code and providing this table.

The Debian Edu BD image (bluray) is generated using COMPLETE=0, see: 
because otherwise it turned out to be too big (~21 GiB).
This image is intended for offline installations, no mirror useable.

With this setting the Edu image differs from the stock BD/DLBD ones 
where COMPLETE=0 is missing and the default (COMPLETE=1) takes effect, 

> The changes you've imported from the debian-edu fork of debian-cd
> clearly don't match up with these, and that's a problem.

Agreed; sorry for that.

> We'll come back to this again shortly. To help with that, could you
> describe exactly what debian-edu is expecting here please, i.e. what
> the settings in cd_type mean for the debian-edu installer?

I tried to understand the code that is used to write the content, see:

If I understood correctly, for all cases with COMPLETE=0 the content of 
cd_type is 'not_complete'.

If the EDU BD image has 'blueray/not_complete' then this content matches 
the blueray*) case in apt-setup, see:
and the image is usable for offline installation.
This is the only change that is actually needed for the Edu BD image.

incorrectly altered the setting 'not_complete' to 'cd/not_complete' for 
netinst, causing this bug. Sorry for not noticing it. 
> I'm worried that we may not have a clear solution here that can match 
> the current expectations of both d-i and and the debian-edu setup.

Hopefully I managed to clarify the Edu setup intention.


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