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Bug#1034095: Bookworm-rc1 bug report against the installation-reports

Hi James,

James Abernathy <jfabernathy@gmail.com> (2023-04-08):
> Note, I use expert install so I could switch to shell after
> partitioning to create proper @ and @home subvolumes for timeshift
> usage.
> The install went as expected for a BTRFS install as you do on Debian.
> After partitioning, CTRL-f2 to get to the console to rename @rootfs to
> @, and create @home subvolumes. The install completed, but on first
> reboot almost every console log statement about systemd failed.  I
> tried KDE and Cinnamon. Same results. If I do the same method on
> Debian 11, it works great.

It would be helpful to know what kind of systemd failure you're getting.
You can start from `systemctl --failed` and gather logs from the failing

Also, not everyone is familiar with btrfs, so if you want people to have
a chance of reproducing your problem and/or working on a solution, it
would make sense to include those commands you run in the console, and
at each exact point they are run.

Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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