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Bug#1033737: flash-kernel: Unable to run flash-kernel on EFI-based systems


Quoting Isaac True (2023-04-17 10:49:20)
> > Why would you have to run flash-kernel again?
> When it's being initially installed it won't have the additional command line
> flag that forces it to ignore the EFI check, so it won't run and you would
> have to run it manually afterwards with the flag. I agree that an env
> variable/config file would be better here.
> > The name FK_FORCE_EFI=yes seems a bit backwards; it is ignoring 
> the presence of EFI, not forcing it to behave like EFI. FK_FORCE_NO_EFI?
> FK_IGNORE_EFI? Names are hard.
> My intention behind the name was something like "force *despite* EFI", but I
> think FK_IGNORE_EFI does indeed fit a lot better. .
> > I overall like this approach, although the main drawback is having to write
> > to /etc/default/flash-kernel 
> I agree with this - it's a bit more awkward having to create and write a
> file, but I like that it opens the door to allow both methods to work. The
> user can either set the env variable, or it can be set in the file itself.

I've had a private chat with Vagrant yesterday and we agreed that the best way
forward would be to solve this in the same way the environment variable
FK_MACHINE works which can also be set using /etc/flash-kernel/machine and is
essentially and override for /proc/device-tree/model.

So in the same fashion we could have FK_IGNORE_EFI as an environment variable
which can also be set by having /etc/flash-kernel/ignore-efi which is an
override for the existence of /sys/firmware/efi.

Would you like to amend your patch to add support for
/etc/flash-kernel/ignore-efi in addition to FK_IGNORE_EFI? I'd be willing to
test the result in our CI environment. :)

> I'm not sure if it makes sense to add the "! ischroot" check like in that
> merge request though, as I feel like that's a different topic. What do you
> think?

The "! ischroot" is not strictly required for my use-case. I added it because
with it, we get the nice property, that outside of a chroot (i.e. when not
creating a bootable image for another machine) the presence of efi will not get
ignored. This would mean that after creating the bootable image, one would not
have to remove /etc/flash-kernel/ignore-efi to get back to a system that
potentially could support efi in the future. But I do not require this extra
complexity. I think there is value in making FK_IGNORE_EFI behave the same as
FK_MACHINE without any hidden surprises like the "! ischroot" check.


cheers, josch

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