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Bug#1049919: #1049919 d-i: pressing ESC in graphical installer does nothing, unable to preseed installation

Control: retitle -1 installation-guide: add information about how to append boot parameters to the installer?

Ernesto Alfonso <erjoalgo@gmail.com> wrote:
> The docs for preseeding debian recommend pressing ESC after entering
> the graphical installer menu:
> > Loading the preseeding file from a webserver
> > Most install methods you can interrupt early on and add a URL to a preseed file, for an almost fully automated installations. Here exemplified with the graphical installer:
> > 
> > When the graphical installer boot menu appears, press ESC
> > 
> > (Type "help" if you want view generic help)
> > Type "auto url=http://webserver/path/preseed.cfg";, replacing the URL with the address to your preseed configuration file
> > 
> But when pressing ESC after selecting the debian bookworm graphical installer, nothing happens.
> I am using the amd64 DVD-1 ISO image: debian-12.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso

I found that you refer to the Debian Wiki at
when you talk about "docs for preseeding debian" above.

Please note, that the Wiki is not the "official" documentation for our installer.
That would be the installation-guide, see 
A chapter about preseeding installation is at

That being said, I see that the information on the Wiki page you mentioned 
is outdated and thus no longer working.
I have updated it now in that regard.

Moreover, I notice that we probably have some deficit in the installation-guide,
when it comes to information about how to append boot parameters to the installer
(at least for some architectures).

For amd64 and ii386 that is mentioned in chapter "5.1.5. The Boot Screen"
see https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch05s01.en.html#boot-screen

and s390x has it in "5.1.2. S/390 Boot Parameters"

But for all other archs I cannot find any such information.

Would it make sense to add that?
(OTOH, nobody has complained about that for years, so maybe it's not necessary?)


Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>
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