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Bug#837060: debootstrap: Do not install packages of Priority:required for buildd variant

El 10/10/23 a las 13:46, Luca Boccassi escribió:
Given the list of affected packages is short (and it's all about
tzdata IIRC), how about we wait until that list is down to zero (and
if you have time, maybe you could help with that?), and then merge
this change? That way we don't add instability, and fix the issue at
the same time.


In my opinion, the main problem here is the discrepancy between
policy saying "packages must build from source after BD are installed"
and what actually happens in the buildds (packages with missing BD
not always failing in the buildds).

When there is a category of bugs which are considered important
and we want to make it serious, we report the bugs first,
we give plenty of time to fix them, and we finally raise
the severities.

We usually don't wait for the bug number to become zero,
because the number of affected packages usually decays exponentially.

In general, when the list of affected packages is short enough, that's
usually a sign that it's already ok to make the bugs RC.

Johannes has asked the RMs in this thread:


if they are ready to consider the bugs as RC. I believe it would be better
if we can make the bugs "factually" RC by uploading the fixed debootstrap first.

After that, complains about this kind of bugs not happening in the buildds
or being difficult to reproduce should stop completely, and as far as I'm
concerned, the underlying problem will be solved.

In fact, we could upload deboostrap already and still have a moratorium
on already reported bugs. For example, we could agree on not raising the
severities for three months on old bugs.

This way we give even more time for people to fix those bugs, NMUs
would not be needed, but anybody trying to upload an affected package
without fixing the bug will see that it will not work in the buildds.

That was, after all, the whole idea in this bug, to optimize the way
these kind of bugs are detected by detecting them in the buildds.

I believe we would be nice enough to people if we do that (i.e. fixing
debootstrap now, and delaying severity change a little more if we
really want to give more time).


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