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Re: Potato test CDs


> Right. And especially when you're the only one offering images, you don't want
> to be overloaded with 650MB requests that can easily be reduced to <10MB.
You are right, but there are some people who want to use vindowz or
something similar (don't ask what is that :).

But you are completely right. rsync is a great tool.

> Besides, these images are "meant only" for Debian testers, who "are supposed
> to" understand the workings of pseudo-image/rsync, and know that that's much
> faster and highly efficient.
:) I have to give you right again.

> But people are inventive, and I think you'll see some HTTP/FTP downloads even
> though that's not advertised on the webpage...
Hmm. You are a genius :)
There were 181 gigabytes of downloads on FTP last month (1999
december) and only around 10 gigabytes downloads with rsync. The latter
means the downloaded file's size, not the traffic.

I think if I could help one people with making such an image it was worth
the work with it. (my bad english again, sorry :)

In Hungary the potato image is very popular, it fights for the number one
place only with the mandrake-devel CD (a homebrew CD again:).
The third one is always the official debian CD-set, so I think I've done
good job :)

Just an interesting fact: from the FTPd logs the fourth most popular CD is
netbsd. Interesting I think :)

Anne and all the list members: I have to thank you the link on the

It makes me very happy :)

ps: I live from traffic and downloaders. If nobody downloads nothing,
the site is not as busy as now then I have to close it.

I have got this network link just because our link was too slow to handle
such a traffic, so if our traffic will be under the capacity of our line
the site moves back :(

So I love FTP, because it generates traffic. I know that is bad (I am
fighting for big proxies everywhere to save Hungary's international
bandwidth) but this is my only chance...

.---- mailto:bra@lists.kando.hu -----.----- Free Software CD-images -----.
|Attila Nagy - Systems Administrator@|ftp://ftp.kando.hu/pub/CDROM-Images|
|Kalman Kando Technical College      |finger bra@k2.jozsef.kando.hu      |
|Budapest, Hungary (www.kando.hu)    |Tel.: +36 1 210 1415/194           |

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