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Re: Corrupted File?

I ran out of time to play with it last night, and I think I'll be out
having fun with some folks in from out of town at work tonight, but I'll
do the MD5SUM check and make sure to let the list know.

I'm trying to find some time to get a mirror up for you guys.  I have
approval for about 12MB/sec worth of bandwidth for various "donated"
projects and just need to get the machines built, secured, and ready to
go.  The ironic part is that I have to do it on BSD.  Oh well... :)

I'll make sure to let you know when it's up and running.  We're trying
to do a Debian FTP mirror also... have about 51GB of disk space to play

More info on this one later, but we did register a neat domain name for
it... openmirrors.net.  :)  As with all "volunteer things" it's on a
lower priority scale than the things that make the bosses rich (hah!)
but we'll get it going slowly but surely...

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:32:56PM +0200, J.A. Bezemer wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Nate Duehr wrote:
> > Using the pseudo-image-kit to create a binary-i386-1.iso CD today (and
> > overnight last night), after running the rsync today off of
> > debian.midco.net, I get *ALMOST* done... and then...
> > 
> > binary-i386-1.iso
> > 658923520 (99%)
> > ERROR: file corruption in binary-i386-1.iso. File changed during
> > transfer?
> This sometimes happens, and seems to be an error in rsync. Almost surely your
> image is NOT corrupted -- if the md5sum check is correct, your image is fine.
> Regards,
>   Anne Bezemer

Nate Duehr <nate@natetech.com>

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