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We are interested in being a Debian vendor in Singapore


we have tried to send this email to webmaster@debian.org
but we received an user unknown error and hence we 
direct our email to debian-cd@lists.debian.org instead ..
please help us to redirect to the correct authority on new vendors.
Thanks in advance.

We are interested in being a Debian Vendor in Singapore.
We are a group of linux users who want to present cheap GPL Linux CDs to
users in Singapore.
We are willing to hand over up to 50% of our margins on Debian products to

Vendor Name: Linuxurious
URL of Vendor: http://www.linuxurious.com
Whether or not you donate some of the sale to Debian: yes, we can donate up
to 50% on our margins from debian products
Type of CDs sold (see at the top of page for details) : Official CD
Country you are in : Singapore
Do you ship orders overseas (yes,no,some areas or within Europe) : no
URL of a web page that has information about your Debian CDs: currently N/A
Email address for sales enquiries : enquiries@linuxurious.com
What architectures your CDs are for: i386 / i586

Hope to receive a favourable reply from you soon!

Ku Chee Chiang William

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