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Re: Creating a base-only cd image?

Robert Guthrie wrote:
> What do you think?  Wouldn't it be pretty easy to just exclude the 
> vast majority of the cd image?  Putting this on one of those 
> credit-card cd's would be pretty cool..
> "Hey Bob, you said Debian was pretty cool.  Want to help me install 
> it sometime?"
> "Sure, why not now?" pulls out wallet, "Here, put this in your cd 
> drive and reboot."

Been there, done that. The linuxcare bootable business card supports
installing debian base (type "debian" at the lilo prompt iirc). 

I belive this has been removed from the most recent verison for some
reason, but old images should be available and maybe it'll come back

see shy jo, who has broken too many bbc cd's is his wallet and laptop bag

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