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Re: Woody CD's


> The mirrors listed at this site carry images dating back to Jan 21. I
> assume these images are created using debian-cd.
The mirrors need some time to catch up the changes.
And for the question, the answer is yes.

> Is it better to have a local mirror of woody and use this to create
> the images using debian-cd? Will debian-cd make bootable CD's?
For the first you have to know the answer. If you make your images you
don't have to trust in somebody else and you can make them when you need
For the second, yes debian-cd makes bootable CDs.

> Does anyone have a sample of the settings needed within the
> anonftpsync script to just download i386 woody? Or is there a better
> way to make a local mirror?
I think rsync is the best way. But you have to know what do you need.
Try rsync with --exclude option and exclude the unneeded directories.

> Also does anyone have sample settings for debian-cd to actually create
> the images?
There is a sample script in the README...

Attila Nagy                                    e-mail:  Attila.Nagy@fsn.hu
Budapest Polytechnic (BMF.HU)                   @work: +361 210 1415 (194)
H-1084 Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.           cell.: +3630 306 6758

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