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Re: pre-release Jigdo files appearing at cdimage.d.o, please test

I tried generating the images with jigdo-lite, but run into problems.
jigdo-lite was reporting one missing file ("Found 982 of the 983 files
required by the template") and was not able to complete the
image. This was my first time with jigdo but I suspect the problem was
that non-US was updated after you had made the jigdo files.

>From woody-i386-1.jigdo:
  % grep non-US woody-i386-1.jigdo

>From the actual file system:
  % jigdo-file md5sum dists/woody/non-US/Contents-i386.gz
  Iegxgg-6cQCWTLwa4XFOrw  dists/woody/non-US/Contents-i386.gz

Choosing some other file, such as tools/unz512x3.exe, gives the same
checksum that is in the .jigdo file.

Heikki Vatiainen                  * hessu@cs.tut.fi
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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