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Re: where are Sarge r8 iso images?

On Sun, 20 Apr 2008, Hideki Yamane wrote:

On Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:02:45 +0200 (MEST)
Mattias Wadenstein <maswan@acc.umu.se> wrote:
In the normal place for old releases:


Okay. Thanks Mattias :-)

And if images are in http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/archive/,
those files are excluded from mirroring?
(we can get it from only cdimage.debian.org, right?)

Yeah, I'm not aware of any mirrors of that. But then, there isn't very much damand for them, compared to the roughly 1Gbit/s for the current release (only from cdimage.d.o).

/Mattias Wadenstein

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