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Feature-request: USB flash drive sized images (8G, 16G, etc.)


I'd like to request the addition of USB flash drive sized images, since that's probably the most used storage medium for non-mass installations nowadays, for architectures that can boot via USB.

The capacities would be 8G, 16G, 32G and 64G, the currently most common capacities, increasing in the future as necessary. (Decimal base, as that’s what storage vendors use.)

There would only be one image for each of these capacities containing the most used packages up to the capacity, as it's typically cheaper to buy one USB flash drive with a certain capacity than two with half that capacity. Maybe an exception for the biggest capacity available.

These images would be offered via jigdo, with the exception of the 8G image.

I don’t know if these images should/can be hybrid – they should be what’s easier to maintain.

I think these images would be significantly more useful than the BD and DLBD images, since that storage medium is relatively uncommonly used.

Thank you,
João Pirralha

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