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Re: 11.7 planning + bookworm planning

Hi Paul

On 2023/04/13 11:29, Paul Gevers wrote:
> The 13th is in a month from today. We're still missing press and a cooked solution for the release team.

Press team is in some slight limbo at the moment, I hope to help fix that after the DPL election is over, in the mean time, it might be a good idea not to block on them.

> I'll be at the Debian Reunion Hamburg on the 27, so that feels like a good day (albeit probably missing talks) to do the release if I were to handle it without the experienced team members. We would still be missing CD & press too for that day.

For the little bit I can do, I'm available to help in Hamburg. Also, if anyone from the release team wants to the MiniDC in Hamburg, then Debian funds are available for that.


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