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Re: UTF-8

On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 12:09:44PM +0800, Arne Goetje wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 September 2002 10:16, Jay Hap-hang Yu wrote:
> > 2. Chinput doesn't come up -- chinput no come up when CTRL+SPACE is
> > pressed.
> same with XCIN... they only support BIG5 and the other local encodings and 
> want to have them as LOCALE in the terminal form where you are starting 
> it...

Not the same with chinput. chinput actaully let you input under
a UTF-8 CTYPE. You just need an app which support proper UTF-8
locale. Of course you need to set the XMODIFIERS to @im=Chinput and
set the locale to zh_CN.UTF-8 or zh_TW.UTF-8. The zh_CN/TW part is
important, Chinput need those part.

> So, I'm still stuck to Xcinterm-big5... but it works as well. I usually 
> start this one and open the other applications from there... (Kmail, 
> OpenOffice, gaim, galeon, ...) The KDE applications use Unicode internally, 
> so there is no problem, even with filenames. Other Applications, like gaim, 
> galeon and others change their default language to Chinese and use Big5 
> encoding for filenames and displaying chars...
> OpenOffice uses Unicode internally but cannot handle unicode chars in 
> filenames... simply doesn't display them...
> > 3. How to configure mlterm/rxvt/uxterm  to display CJK characters?
> I didn't find any solution yet... uxterm can display some chinese chars. It 
> uses the default font plus a CJK extension which unfortunately only exists 
> for Korean and Japanese (default). They both also include simplefied 
> Chinese chars, but no Traditional... :(
> So, at least you can display some Chinese chars with uxterm in UTF-8 
> encoding.

mlterm should support UTF-8. Just supply it with proper fonts.
rxvt cannot do it.

> > 5. xfs-xtt is very unstable (crashes alot when viewing CJK web page with
> > mozilla)
> no experience... I use the builtin xtt module in XFree86... (have to 
> specify it in the XFree86-4.conf)

Yes, don't use xfs-xtt with XFree86 4.x. Use the xtt module, remove
the freetype module. xfs-xtt will drag down your Xserver and make wiered
things happen.

> > 6. are there any utility/script that convert my big5 chinese filenames
> > to utf-8?
> didn't see any...
> filenames are stored in unicode automatically in kde... but they can only 
> be displayed in kde apps correctly... :(
> i have no experience for gnome only users, because i couldn't get gnome to 
> display anti aliased fonts in unicode...

I don't how the filesystem play with encoding. But 
'find' and 'iconv' might help. 

man find
man 1 iconv

hashao|                      众人皆有以,而我独顽且鄙。
hashao|                      我独异于人,而贵食母。

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