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debcheckout -a 码云 仓库 配置


    使用 debcheckout -a 可以直接设置好仓库提交权限的 URL。

man debcheckout 看到有个 DEBCHECKOUT_AUTH_URLS 变量可以增加自定义的 git 仓库设置:

           This variable should be a space separated list of Perl regular
           expressions and replacement texts, which must come in pairs: REGEXP
           TEXT REGEXP TEXT ... and so on. Each pair denotes a substitution
           which is applied to repository URLs if other built-in means of
           building URLs for authenticated mode (see -a) have failed.

           References to matching substrings in the replacement texts are
           allowed as usual in Perl by the means of $1, $2, ... and so on.

           This setting is used to configure the "authenticated mode" location            for repositories. The Debian repositories on salsa.debian.org are
           implicitly defined, as is github.com.

           Here is a sample snippet suitable for the configuration files:

             ^\w+://(svn\.example\.com)/(.*) svn+ssh://$1/srv/svn/$2
             ^\w+://(git\.example\.com)/(.*) git+ssh://$1/home/git/$2

想请教大家下, 该如何设置 码云 的这个正则表达式呢?


debcheckout -a atzlinux-update-patch
can't use authenticated mode on repository 'https://gitee.com/atzlinux/atzlinux-update-patch.git' since it is not a known repository (e.g. salsa.debian.org)




肖盛文 xiao sheng wen
https://www.atzlinux.com 《铜豌豆 Linux》基于 Debian 的 Linux 中文 桌面 操作系统
Debian QA page: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=atzlinux%40sina.com
Debian salsa: https://salsa.debian.org/atzlinux-guest
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