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Re: How can I participate to running autopkgtests

Hi William

On 07-02-2021 01:45, William Desportes wrote:
> I like the Debian CI idea, and I would like to participate to make
> autopkgtests run on my server. Maybe also fire up a rasberrypi to
> provide another less common architecture for tests.

First off, thanks for the offer.

> Let me know how I can participate to running Debian tests. Or
> participate in another way in the project with my server.

We're not running short on the regular archives (amd64, arm64, i386,
ppc64el) with respect to compute power, and if we would, we have easy
ways to add more.

I assume this server is a regular architecture. If it's idle otherwise,
has a stable IP and if we could control it, we could add it without too
much effort. If your doing other stuff on it, I rather decline this offer.

Now, rasberrypi. What exactly did you have in mind? Do those run native
Debian nowadays, or were you more interested in adding this worker to
our infrastructure and not targeting Debian? The latter we could do, but
I assume you understand it's not our focus right now as the release of
bullseye is nearing an important phase. rasberrypi is armhf, right?
We're currently running armhf on a arm64 host, so we could add it to the
pool if it runs native Debian. (IP, control, same applies as above). I'm
not good at computer specs, so I have not much clue if this would make
sense or not.


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