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Re: Bug#626859: please fix mono 2.10 bugs


On pirmadienis 27 Birželis 2011 20:42:16 Julian Taylor wrote:
> severity 626859 important
> severity 626860 important
> the mono transition [0] will be happening in near future, so all ftbs
> with mono 2.10 and cli-common-dev 0.8 should be fixed soon.
> The debian-cli team will start uploading NMUs to DELAYED/7. If you
> object please reply to the bug or debian-cli@lists.debian.org
> [0] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono210Transition

Please do not bother with kdebindings. This package will be removed from 
archive soon and partially replaced by split source packages (which won't 
include mono bindings). Ping us when you need removal to happen if it was 
still in the archive.

Modestas Vainius <modax@debian.org>

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