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Re: Wheezy Debian-Installer images on the Amazon cloud.

> The latest set of PV GRUB AMIs, version 1.04 – supporting xz and lzma compressed kernels, here’s the pending patch for build-debian-kernel (yet to be rebased):
You don't have to worry about that btw., I integrated it into the WIP, which I'll merge today (I hope).


On 27 October 2013 15:38, Bromberger, James <jameseb@amazon.com> wrote:


>> [..] solved my problem of not being able to boot an image that is not installed partitionless.

>Not sure if you already have this link, but on http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/UserProvidedKernels.html#AmazonKernelImageIDs you can get an overview of the different PV-grub AKI IDs (just FYI).


The latest set of PV GRUB AMIs, version 1.04 – supporting xz and lzma compressed kernels, here’s the pending patch for build-debian-kernel (yet to be rebased):


        kernel_mapping = {'us-east-1':      {'amd64': 'aki-919dcaf8',

                                             'i386':  'aki-8f9dcae6'},

                          'us-west-1':      {'amd64': 'aki-880531cd',

                                             'i386':  'aki-8e0531cb'},

                          'us-west-2':      {'amd64': 'aki-fc8f11cc',

                                             'i386':  'aki-f08f11c0'},

                          'eu-west-1':      {'amd64': 'aki-52a34525',

                                             'i386':  'aki-68a3451f'},

                          'ap-southeast-1': {'amd64': 'aki-503e7402',

                                             'i386':  'aki-ae3973fc'},

                          'ap-southeast-2': {'amd64': 'aki-c362fff9',

                                             'i386':  'aki-cd62fff7'},

                          'ap-northeast-1': {'amd64': 'aki-176bf516',

                                             'i386':  'aki-136bf512'},

                          'sa-east-1':      {'amd64': 'aki-5553f448',

                                             'i386':  'aki-5b53f446'},

                          'us-gov-west-1':  {'amd64': 'aki-1de98d3e',

                                             'i386':  'aki-1fe98d3c'}}



>Your script uses

>I thought cloudfront was added to the http redirector (http.debian.net, meaning you can use that URL instead)? Or am I wrong?



Some regions, yes. I haven’t done any log analysis on this yet (anyone want to?) to see what level of usage we’re getting….



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