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Re: Bug#745587: base: Cloud AWS EC2 Image will not reply to packets received on additional network interface (ENI)

On 2014-04-23 23:30:41, James Bromberger wrote:
> On 23/04/2014 11:09 PM, Brian Gupta wrote:
>     An alternative approach (if it technically works) would be to still
>     package it in backports, but to use cloud-init itself to install the
>     package and bring up the interfaces. However, the timing of it might
>     not work at all, and even if it does it might be overly complicated?
> I think we're thinking the same thing - possible catch-22 there on needing the
> interface up to apply the package at boot time (instead of image creation
> time). Would this pair of scripts be useful outside of EC2 - is it worth
> packaging if it is only ever used here as part of bootstrap-vz (and then leave
> this to be included in a packaging effort of bootstrap-vz)?

And that's the problem, we already diverge from standard Debian image, so to
have all interfaces up at the bootup time we need this change. For one I agree
that it should be packaged separately but I'm still not sure if it should be
included in default image build by bootstrap-vz.

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