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Re: GCE completed the switch to bootstrap-vz! Plus a possible SSH auth regression

Dnia 2014-08-13, śro o godzinie 11:40 -0700, Jimmy Kaplowitz pisze:
[ cut ]

> When making the switch, we did notice that SSH password authentication
> is unexpectedly no longer disabled across all clouds as it was in the
> old tasks/38-security file. Was this intentional or accidentally lost
> in some refactor? We're planning to push new images this week (and
> send a pull request) restoring the pre-existing behavior on GCE, but
> if it was an oversight more broadly, I can fix it in a shared part of
> the codebase rather than just a GCE-specific part.
It's probably ommission from my side. When porting build-debian-cloud
GCE provider to bootstrap-vz I was trying to keep feature parity between
those two.

BTW - I've watched your talk (except for the first 5 minutes - I had
transmission problems). Nice talk, and it looks like with Thomas Goirand
packaging Google Cloud SDK we'll have GCE quite usable in Debian.

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak  GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
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