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Re: linux-headers should be installed on the vagrant base boxes

On 09/11/2015 10:56 PM, Joshua Stauter wrote:
> Hello all
> I have been working with the images on atlas[0] and a not insignificant
> pain point is that whenever you rebuild a box you have to manually go in
> (outside of vagrant) and install the appropriate linux-headers-$(uname -r)
> package in order for dkms and ultimately for VBoxGuestAdditions to fully
> work. (If there is a version mismatch shared folders do not work, for
> example).

Hello Joshuah
As I am currently building the vagrant base boxes on Debian stable, I am
using 4.3.18 as the virtualbox guests addition version.

Which version of Virtualbox are you using on your host ?
Last time I checked with vbox host version > vbox guest version, folder
sharing was working, albeit with a warning from Vagrant.

> I also attempted to list this issue in the debian bug tracker[1] but was
> unable to find the "vagrant-cloud" package the atlas page instructed me to
> use.

I think you mean the debian-cloud pseudo package.


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