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Re: Building cloud images using Debian infrastructure

Hi Luca

On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 12:51:28AM +0000, Luca Filipozzi wrote:
> casulana is also used to build the CD images. Currently, the scripts
> that build the CD images execute a number of 'build jobs' in parallel,
> effectively monopoloizing the machine.

Sadly the graphs created by munin are pretty useless to find the real
short term usage.  They show for the CD building peak (the only large
peak on the weekly graph) a disk usage of 2kIOPS and 22 CPU.[1]  This
would be very far from full load of this machine.

>                                        One of the things we could/should
> do is turn those 'build jobs' things that can be executed by a scheduler
> such as sge or gitlab-runner. Can we inject non-gitlab-originating jobs
> into gitlab's scheduler?

You create a project and create jobs on it either by using schedules[2]
or with triggers[3].

> The other thing we could do is set up system-wide semaphor that both
> cd-build and gitlab-runner use, but i prefer the idea of enqueuing jobs
> into SGE (or equivalent) and using appropriate parameters to identify
> number of CPU/RAM/etc is available on the runner vs what a job needs.

gitlab-runner does not have any resource controls, apart from the number
of parallel jobs.  In all the shared installations, resources are
controlled by hard limits per job in form of a VM.

RAM usage looks pretty neglectable, 90% are used by cache.  For the CPU
and IO usage there are no usable estimates due to missing data.

> That way, we make best use of casulana.
> Thoughts?

I'm not convinced that we need such strong separation, but I've never
looked at the real usage.


[1]: https://munin.debian.org/debian.org/casulana.debian.org/index.html
[2]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/pipeline_schedules.html
[3]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/pipeline_triggers.html
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