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Re: Making a test version of Bullseye as a GCE image available?

Niltze [Hello]-

On Mon, 2021-03-22 at 13:52 -0400, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> Hey, now that we've hit hard freeze for Bullseye, I was hoping that
> perhaps we could start making a GCE image for Debian-11 availble?
> For Debian 10, a few months before it was released, there was a test
> image that was made available in the debian-cloud-testing project:
> % gcloud compute images --project debian-cloud-testing list --no-
> standard-images
> NAME                        PROJECT               FAMILY     
> debian-10-buster-v20191205  debian-cloud-testing  debian-
> 10               READY
> debian-sid-v20190812        debian-cloud-testing  debian-
> sid              READY
> Perhaps it would make sense to make an image for Bullseye in
> debian-cloud-testing, so it doesn't accidentally get picked up and
> used in production environments before Bullseye gets released as
> Debian Stable?
> I've never built a GCE image from scratch before, but if someone
> wants
> to point me at the instructions, I'm happy to give it a try,
You may want to refer to GCE documentation:
< https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/images/building-custom-os >

And for the Linux guest tools:

Note, however, that when I built reiser4 SFRN 4 -enabled 5.10.23 kernel
for Debian 11 Bullseye a few days ago, I had to use the guest
environment for Debian 10 Buster since there was not even a repo for
< https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-image-packages > to
include in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud.list

So it seems your request cought the GCE developers, essentially, 'with
their pants down' since -- as of today, at least -- there is only an
empty Google Bullseye repo on their side.

Notwithstanding, the Buster Linux env. was enough for my Bullseye
Debian Reiser -enhanced image for PoC/testing. If you care to give it a
spin, you may import the TARred file to create your own image -- from
which to generate your own GCE instances -- with a suggestion like
gcloud compute images create reiser4-bullseye-v20210325 --
family="debian-11-reiser4" --source-uri

After a successful reference image creation, your may spin up your
instance(s), with similar as:
gcloud compute instances create [instance-name] --custom-cpu=[X] --
custom-memory=[Y]GB --metadata-from-file startup-script=./reghostkey.sh
--tags [your tag] --image reiser4-bullseye-v20210325 --boot-disk-
size=200GB  --zone [your-preferred-zone]

where ./reghostkey.sh contains something like:
#! /bin/bash
# Regenerates deleted host keys upon Bullseye GCE image first boot
sudo su -
apt-get update
dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive openssh-server
##/etc/init.d/ssh restart
systemctl try-reload-or-restart ssh

and the boot image size is 200GB -- indeed, we do not have resizing
feature at the moment. I operate with that minimum Google -recommended
disk storage capacity when possible.

The GPT hybrid boot image was modified with Gdisk utility and it boots
from JFS /boot, has a ~3Gig swap, and the rest is reiser4 SFRN 4.0.2 -
formatted. A seven(7) minute overview may be found at either of these
two links:

< https://youtu.be/WvieIZNH8KM >

< https://metztli.blog/amatl/aS4 >

As for building your own images, you may start with these excellent
bare-bones instructions in this video by a Google dame engineer:
'How to build a custom image for Compute Engine'
< https://youtu.be/YlcR6ZLebTM >

>  and would
> be willing to help with updating the debian-cloud-testing project.
> Thanks!!
>                                         - Ted

Best Professional Regards.

P.S. Someone tell Mr. Andrew Morton that it is time for him to update
his reiser4 Linux source tree hack to version 5.10.x -- as that
statement "is so 2006":
'more speculative things which aren't intended for mainline in the
short-term, such as new filesystems (eg #reiser4).'


Jose R R
Download Metztli Reiser4: Debian Buster w/ Linux 5.9.16 AMD64
feats ZSTD compression https://sf.net/projects/metztli-reiser4/
or SFRN 5.1.3, Metztli Reiser5 https://sf.net/projects/debian-reiser4/
Official current Reiser4 resources: https://reiser4.wiki.kernel.org/

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