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pkg-common-lisp.alioth.debian.org is born!


Great work Luca, I'll start migrating asap.

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 18:59:26 +0100, "Luca Capello" <luca at pca.it> said:
> 9) do we need some other Alioth features, like the tracker, news, task
>    manager or forum?  I prefer to keep as simple as possible:

I got a complaint from a ubuntu user a while ago that he could not find 
a place to report a clc bug, so maybe having some hints on how to open
bugs from non-debian systems would be nice to have.

>    Maybe we should enable the tracker if we want project's problems to
>    be monitored by other than the Debian BTS [8].  However, about this
>    issue, I'm in favor of a Debian cl-debian (meta)package, which would
>    combines this project with a "basic" Common Lisp installation on
>    Debian.  This is a very new idea, thus it needs a bit more reflexion.

The 'standard' CL would depend on the architecture?

> I'm eager of anyone comments :-)

How and where do we upload the darcs/git/bzr repositories?

Ciao, Peter

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