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Re: Debian Consulting

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 15:57:09 +1200, Alex King <alex@king.net.nz> said: 

>> Umm. The best way to achieve that is to help. (quick grep in
>> /var/lib/dpkg/available). There are a number of things that would
>> improve the adoption of Debian (GYI based installer, etc). The
>> fastest way to get there is to stop playing, and roll up your
>> sleeves and actually help get there.

> This is slogan often used in debian and the free software world.
> Like all slogans there is truth in it, but repeating it without
> thinking deeply enough may obscure the facts.

	That was merely an example. 

> Yes, a GUI installer may help a little with the adoption of debian,
> but I don't actually think it will make that much difference.  It is
> a side issue.  If we want widespread adoption, we need to market
> debian properly, we need a decent marketing plan.  No other market
> leader (that I am aware of) leaves this stuff to chance.

>> Structural changes?
> Yes, as I explain below, we need a structure that can co-ordinate a
> wider marketing effort.  The current structure is set up for a
> different purpose, so it is not suitable.

	Indeed. The kind of people who are interested in marketing,
 and excel at it, are often a distinct set from the people who do the
 development. So what you are talking about is a set of volunteers who
 are interested in designing, and executing, a marketing strategy,
 orthogonal to the task of creating the distribution. Either a
 subproject of Debian, or a separate entity (since getting a
 subproject started implies that at least some of the core of the
 marketing team be debian developers). 

>> Xandros, Knoppix, Lindows, lycoris?
> Libranet, what was that other one starting with s?

	Stormix, now defunct.

>> Progeny?
> Yes, they were much more on the right track.  but they have not been
> very effective, have they, if their purpose was to popularise
> debian.  I don't even know if they still exist.

	They still exist, but have reformulated their goals, and are
 no longer doing business as a distribution.

> We need something that will make a lot of splash, an ongoing
> exposure in the wider community about debian.

> Starting a company may not be the answer, but I think the future
> popularity of debian is an important question.  If most developers
> don't care, then it will get harder and harder to survive as debian
> consultant.

	Popularity in what niche? Popularity amongst the general
 public may never be within Debian's grasp, but that is, in my
 opinion, not important, as long as people who can contribute to the
 development recognize the qualities of Debian. I am pretty sure that
 marketing to this audience is unlikely to be effective.

Beggars should be no choosers. John Heywood
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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