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Re: /usr/doc issue

>>"Raul" == Raul Miller <moth@debian.org> writes:

 Raul> (*) debian policy was ratified (which specifies the use of FHS
 Raul> in place of FSSTND) but it did not address how to manage the migration
 Raul> between the two standards.  The implication is that all packages which
 Raul> have not yet made the migration are now non-compliant with policy.

 Raul> This seems to me to be fundamentally wrong -- policy should never have
 Raul> been ratified which says that every existing package violates policy.
 Raul> Policy should typically represent the best of existing practice..

        So how do we have major transitions like the one being
 contemplated now? To wit: old policy said that packages follow the
 FSSTND. At some point in the future, we are to follow the FHS. How
 does one modify policy in such a way that would avoid your objection? 

        I thought that recognizing the fact that the transition takes
 time, and deciding ot to call the bugs release critical, was a
 reasonable way of doing it (make the changes, and apply a dollop of
 common sense when it came to enforcement).

        Indeed, if there are better ways of doing major changes when
 every (or a majority of) packages shall be affected, this should go
 into the strategy guide.

        One could argue that if it is decided that every package needs
 to change, then having the old packages be declared buggy is a fine
 way to speed up and track the transition. 

 "Although plastic was brought into industrial use in 1909 by
 L.H. Baekeland of Yonkers, it was not until after World War II that
 the modern miracle substance was used in a wide variety of consumer
 goods, among them speedboats, dentures and flamingos. Previously
 flamingos were made of cement.  Before that they were made by other
 flamingos." William E. Geist, The New York Times
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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