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Re: this idea wont get out of my mind...

> I think that this could really lead to "world domination"!...
Do we really want that?
> DSPN - Debian Service Providers Network
> Ok, the idea is to:
> a) collect and distribute information of parties offering computer
> services 
> related to debian (like custom programming, webhosting, custom
> hardware, 
> consulting, etc)
That sounds like a good idea....

> b) Create a network of theese sites/companies/persons, charge them a
> small 
> fee that would go to keeping the network running (hosting,
> administration, 
> salaries?) and donate the rest to Debian
uh....wait.....debian is free.....truly free....

> c) possibly create custom distributions for hosting-services,
> offices, etc [1]
Do we really need more then a complete distribution? I don't see the 
point of making a "server","workstation" or "corporate" distribution, 
let the redhat guys do that....but not us.....

> d) see how debian conquers the world!
> Ok, youu say, why don't start doing it then? Because I don't have the
> time 
> to put this project on (at least not alone!)
> regards, tomas
> [1] this would also adress some of, as I see it, debians greatest
> problems; 
> too many packages and community support.
> (I really think that it is good that there exists X nbr of
> ftp-programs, 
> but as an non-developer/unexperienced user to linux/debian I don't
> want to 
> make that choice. I also think that the support given at the
> mailing-lists 
> is great, but again as a  non-developer/unexperienced user I wouldn't
> post 
> to them)
Choice is the keyword, I really don't want others to decide what 
programs I need to run, there is a redmond based company that already 
does that....un-experienced users can stick to the most known 
programs....and everyone else can use the program of their choice...

just my 0.02 c


Ivo van Dongen

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