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Re: NEW queue and ftp-master approval

Christoph Berg <cb@df7cb.de> writes:

> Re: Kevin Mark in <20050125050306.GC1055@debian.potter>
>> I think we should add a deparment of silly walks and 
>> a department of silly names for packages! Hopefully Mr. Cleese could
>> head it!  Vim is now called vim-vim-voo-voo-vee.
> We already have some Monty Python packages: ;-)
>        evim - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless
>        editing
>        Also Known As "Vim for gumbies".  When using evim you are
>        expected  to take  a  handkerchief,  make  a knot in each
>        corner and wear it on your head.
>From the VIPER manual (/usr/share/info/emacs-21/viper.gz):

|    We believe that one or more of the following statements are adequate
| descriptions:
|      Viper Is a Package for Emacs Rebels;
|      it is a VI Plan for Emacs Rescue
|      and/or a venomous VI PERil.
|    Technically speaking, Viper is a Vi emulation package for Emacs.  It
| implements all Vi and Ex commands, occasionally improving on them and
| adding many new features.  It gives the user the best of both worlds: Vi
| keystrokes for editing combined with the power of the Emacs environment.

Andreas Rottmann         | Rotty@ICQ      | 118634484@ICQ | a.rottmann@gmx.at
http://yi.org/rotty      | GnuPG Key: http://yi.org/rotty/gpg.asc
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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